It is hard to complain about temperatures over 20 degrees throughout the one weekend of the year which is notorious for bad weather. It is even harder to complain about the life that this warmth brings. Unfortunately, but also amazingly, birds show up in great numbers around the same time bugs do and time the hatching of their young with the wave of insects that emerges in early summer. This warm weather and increasing insect numbers have brought Tree Swallows to my yard! I hustled to create the next boxes one day after being inspired quite out of the blue to do so. I was worried that I had set them up too late as most online resources advise to set them up no later that mid-April. I set them up very near the end of April. Nonetheless, yesterday I saw my first Tree Swallows checking out the boxes. I stepped outside and noticed a number of them soaring around, but then one actually swooped down to a nest box! Throughout the day they kept checking them out and chasing each other around. As of this morning (I'm watching them as I write this) they are going in and out of the boxes constantly (presumably constructing their nests). I am pretty excited about having these guys around!
Tree Swallow on nest box |
Male Tree Swallow clinging to doorstep with a female flying off |
I simply lobe these birds, with they shiny blue backs, striking white stomachs, and their cheery, bubbly calls... not to mention the fact that they consume more mosquitos than Purple Martins! I certainly am glad to have them around.
Another neat thing about the May long weekend is that this is when goslings start showing up! I saw my first ones on Friday! These fluffy yellow balls make everyone smile. Unfortunately they don't stay this cute for long so enjoy them while they last!
Yesterday I noticed my first American Goldfinch at my feeder and am seeing increasing numbers of Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, and various sparrows. As well during this time, shorebirds are migrating through in great numbers so check your local body of water to see if you can find some of these guys! They are neat to watch feeding with each species doing it a little differently. Here are some shots of an American Goldfinch and Mourning Dove at my feeder this morning.
Male American Goldfinch |
Mourning Dove |
Enjoy the long weekend and happy birding!
Joel G.
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