Monday, 18 May 2015

Spring Birding???

Lots of birds and... snow? Lots of it as well as wind. We had a little warbler fall-out yesterday as they were caught in the storm. We had American Redstarts, Wilson's Warblers, Magnolia Warblers, Yellow-Rumped Warblers, Pine Warblers, and the highlight, a Blackburnian Warbler. No pictures were taken though as we were in a rush to get to our morning church service. You may also see feeders on the ground even a trampoline in the field from a kilometre away!

P.S. Can someone identify that bird below for me? I am stumped! I know it is not Vesper Sparrow.

Mystery bird.
What bird is it? By the way notice the grass bending in the wind.
Feeder on the wrong hook. Notice also the slant of the shepherd's hook.

Tray feeder fell of the hook altogether.

The very unfortunate trampoline (ours is still here though :-))

Platform feeder on the ground.

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