Lots of birds and... snow? Lots of it as well as wind. We had a little warbler fall-out yesterday as they were caught in the storm. We had American Redstarts, Wilson's Warblers, Magnolia Warblers, Yellow-Rumped Warblers, Pine Warblers, and the highlight, a Blackburnian Warbler. No pictures were taken though as we were in a rush to get to our morning church service. You may also see feeders on the ground even a trampoline in the field from a kilometre away!
P.S. Can someone identify that bird below for me? I am stumped! I know it is not Vesper Sparrow.
Mystery bird. |
What bird is it? By the way notice the grass bending in the wind. |
Feeder on the wrong hook. Notice also the slant of the shepherd's hook. |
Tray feeder fell of the hook altogether. |
The very unfortunate trampoline (ours is still here though :-)) |
Platform feeder on the ground.
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