Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)
To photograph birds is to sweat and swat flies, to stand for long hours waist-deep in swamp water, or to crouch even longer in freezing makeshift blinds. Allan Cruickshank knew these tortures. As one of America's leading bird photographers, Cruickshank expected the worst.
All that changed overnight, however. As soon as her eggs hatched the goodwill reacted hysterically to Cruickshank's presence, flying this way and that and berating him loudly before leading her young from the nest. Never again would the goodwill allow Cruickshank's approach. But the man had his pictures - and in contrast to most such projects, getting them had literally been a walk in the park.
Cornell Lab: Marbled Godwit
Reader's Digest: Birds of North America
Cornell Lab: Marbled Godwit
Reader's Digest: Birds of North America
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