Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Weekly What Bird Wednesday
Thank you for joining me for W.W.B.W. once again! Last week there was a substantial amount of guesses. Josiah guessed right! It was a Northern Shoveler! Here is this week's picture!
Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
*Posts may not be up yet.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Gray Partridge
Gray Partridge (Perdix perdix)
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Native to western Eurasia, Gray Partridges were released in Canada in the early 1900s as game birds. Secretive and shy most of the year, the are rarely seen in the open. Watch for them in the morning or evening, when they venture onto quiet roads, or in winter, when they sometimes forage beneath rural bird feeders. When flushed a covey of will burst into flight, flapping furiously and dispersing in all directions, a tactic intended to confuse predators. Although Gray Partridges are relatively hardy birds, many parish in harsh weather, and some birds become trapped under layers of hardened snow while taking refuge from the cold.
The Gray Partridge has a high mortality rate and a short lifespan, but it makes up for these with its high reproductive capability. An average clutch size is about 16 eggs, and nests with more than 20 eggs are often found. When incubating her eggs, the female will sit tightly on her nest and risk being stepped on rather than attracting attention.
Like other seed eating birds, the Gray Partridge regularly swallows small amounts of gravel to help crush hard seeds. The gravel accumulates in the bird's gizzard, a muscular pouch of the digestive. This bird was once known as "Hungarian Partridge," and coveys of Gray Partridges are still called "Huns" by many hunters and birding enthusiasts.
Reader's Digest Publications: Birds of Canada
Monday, 27 April 2015
B.O.T.D. White-Throated Sparrow
White-Throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
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The white-throated sparrow's song may not be the most glorious of sparrow melodies, but it is probably the best known simply because more people hear it. Although white-throats nest chiefly across the rural expanses of Canada, they winter through much of the eastern and southern United States - and they sing all winter long. They sometimes seem to be singing absentmindedly, it's true, but from March into May, when the last migrants leave, white-throats sing with real energy and purpose.
Their song is a simple one, often imitated by birders, and a passable rendition of it will bring the birds flitting through bushes in curious interest, craning their necks and peering about with bright eyes to discover the new arrival with the strange accent. White-throats and other small birds can also be called by "squeaking" - a sound make by a person kissing the back of his hand. Because the sounds are like those of a baby bird in distress, this kind of calling works especially well during the nesting season: parents come flocking, and birders have a chance to see species they might otherwise miss. But, understandably enough, squeaking also upsets the birds and can disrupt the care of their fledglings. Needless to say, therefore, it is a technique to be used with restraint and common sense.
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Friday, 24 April 2015
Today, as we had a day off from school, our family went on a day trip. We went through several towns and finally ended up at Lockport. Here are some Pelican pics from the trip.
B.O.T.D. Bay Breasted Warbler
Bay-Breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea)

Showing true team spirit, nesting bay-breast scale down their normal territorial requirements so that more of their kind can squeeze into a budworm-infested area. The prodigious appetites of the additional nestlings are satisfied by an abundant supply of this protein-rich food. The number of bay-breasted warblers produced during such years sometimes exceeds six times the region's annual norm.
Inevitably, the budworms begin eating themselves out of house and home, and the infestation subsides or ends abruptly. Bay-Breasted Warblers, whose numbers have swollen to peak levels during the budworm explosion, find slim picking after the decline. As a result, their numbers, too drop to normal levels, and a more stable bird-insect balance returns to the northern woodlands.
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Thursday, 23 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Red Knot
Red Knot (Calidris canutus)

Separating New Jersey from Delaware on a coastline pressured by rapid suburban growth, Delaware Bay serves migrating knots as a crucial stepping-stone. En route to the Arctic from their South American wintering grounds, these chunky "beach robins" time their arrival to coincide with the breeding cycle of the bay's horseshoe crabs. Every May hordes of these ancient invertebrates haul themselves from the surf to deposit eggs by the millions in holes they have scooped in the sand. Knots, ruddy turnstones, and other shorebirds depend on these eggs to refuel their northward flights. The birds stay several weeks, gorging on the eggs from dawn until dusk to increase their body weight by 40% or more. Finally sated, they whirl off again in huge clouds toward the Arctic.
How many birds can convene on Delaware Bay? During the month of May alone, a million birds may comb the bay's egg-laden shores. On a given day during that period, more than 80% of North America's Red Knots - and half its ruddy turnstones - may join ranks there in one of the world's most awe inspiring congregations of wildlife.
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Weekly What Bird Wednesday

Male bird has a deep green head with large wide black bill with chestnut sides and white breast and belly. It has a blue speculum.
Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
*Posts may not be up yet.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Swainson's Hawk
Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

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Among the world's long-distance champions, Swainson's hawks nest as far north as Alaska and winter on the plains of Argentina. In March, Swainson's hawks by the thousands pour across the Rio Grande from Mexico into Texas. When evening comes, the great flocks descend. In the morning, when the sun begins drawing thermals aloft, the birds rise up: dozens, scores, hundreds, thousands of Swaison's funnel skyward. The swirling tornadoes of birds sweep north and fan out across the western states. As the miles and the days fall behind, the great migratory flocks diminish. One by one, the birds reach their nest sites across the western United States and Canada. The business of raising young consumes the summer; by August the task is done, and the birds turn southward. Another exodus of these endurance champions has begun.
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Monday, 20 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Hoary Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni)

Redpolls are widely adapted to life in the cold. They have a high level of food intake, in part because of a special storage pouch in the esophagus (the esophageal diverticulum), which allows them to carry large quantities of energy-rich seeds.
Lone Pine Publications: Birds of Canada
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Spring is Here!
As we were getting ready for school on Wednesday, another vagrant of spring showed up in a sapling nearby!
Friday, 17 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Baird's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii)

The Baird's Sparrow is a bird of native grasslands with an unusually small nesting distribution in the southern Canadian Prairies and extreme northern Great Plains states. It favours lush areas rather than grazed, short-grass prairie habitat. During years of drought, the Baird's Sparrow is now uncommon and declining throughout its range. Agriculture has eliminated much of the prairie it is reliant on and continues to reduce remaining grassland tracts. Baird's Sparrow was the last bird collected and described by Audubon for his classic Birds of North America. If you think this species is difficult to find and recognize now, consider that it took 30 years for a second ornithologist to "rediscover" Baird's Sparrow after is was first described.
Lone Pine Publications: Birds of Canada
Thursday, 16 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Hammond's Flycatcher
Hammond's Flycatcher (Empidonax hammondii)

The Hammond's is a bird for the heights, foraging int eh higher branches of tall western evergreens. In the warmer, southern reaches of its nesting range, the bird's love of high places may carry it to elevations above 10,000 feet - a penchant that helps to distinguish from the dusky flycatcher. This near-twin of the Hammond's shuns high places and favours drier, more open woodlands. Not quite so nervous as the Hammond's, dusky flycatchers seem able to hold their wing flickering in check, but even the strongest willed dusky must surrender to a periodic twitch of the tail.
The high-strung Hammond's must be anxious about being separated from its nesting territory, too. In the spring it arrives uncommonly early - often migrating with those vanguards of spring, the hardy kinglets. In the fall it lingers longer than most other flycatchers - far longer than mights seem prudent for a bird that catches insects for a living.
Cornell Lab: Hammond's Flycatcher
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Cornell Lab: Hammond's Flycatcher
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Weekly What Bird Wednesday

This bird is stocky, rusty brown, streaky with underlying grey. About 6-7 inches long.
Hint: It is a sparrow ;-)
Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
*Posts may not be up yet.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler (Dendroica pinus)
The names of many birds are illogical, if not downright misleading, but in this case a more suitable one could scarcely have been chosen. Pitch pine, jack pine, Norway pine, red pine, white pine, scrub pine - very types do not figure prominently in their lives of pine warblers. Except during spring and fall migrations. these little birds are rarely spotted too far away from their favourite trees.
Their sturdy nests are found well out on a horizontal pine limb, hidden gin tufts of needles at the very tip of a branch or among a cluster of cones. They are built of pine bark, pine needles, and tiny pine twigs, all held together with spider or caterpillar silk (gleaned most likely from around the tree) and lined with plant down, fur, and feathers that also probably come from eh immediate vicinity.
The pine warblers' food consists mainly of the insects, spiders, and their kin whom the birds share the pine trees. Daily they scour the branches, twigs and needles and creep over the bark searching for their prey - not with the single-minded concentration of brown creepers, but in much the same manner, with their bodies pressed low and feathers brushing the bark. Sometimes their bright plumage becomes streaked with the pitch, or resin, that rubs off on them, and it is clearer that ever that these warblers are a product of the pines.
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Monday, 13 April 2015
Elm Creek

B.O.T.D. American Wigeon
American Wigeon (Anas americana)

As a flock of redheads feeds over a celery bed, a redhead dives - and a nearby wigeon springs into action. Anticipating where its victim will surface, the wigeon swims over and waits. When the redhead pops up with a bill-full of celery stems, the opportunist brazenly snatches a strand.
Is the redhead outraged? Does it drive the wigeon away? On the contrary, diving dicks put upon by wigeons accept their role as providers with evident tolerance. Perhaps they can sense that wigeons are quick to sense trouble and warn them of danger. More restless than any other ducks, wigeons impart their alarm to the divers around them, leaping from the water in a flurry of alarm quacks and rattling wings. Surely insurance like that is worth a celery stalk or two.
Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Friday, 10 April 2015
The Art of Mimicry

part was that the starling emitted multiple sounds at once; adding to his award-winning theatrical performance.
B.O.T.D. Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Yellow-Headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)

Even the most generous critics concede that as a vocalist, the yellow-headed blackbird is unmusical - and a few might agree with W. L. Dawson, who described the song as "a wail of despairing agony which would do credit to a dying catamount." It seems that no one who has written about this bird of marshes and reedy lakes can resist commenting on the disparity between its spectacular courtship display and its horrific, croaking voice.
Yellow-heads nest in colonies, some quite large. They favour deeper water than the smaller red-winged blackbirds, and where the two birds occur together, the red-wings are shunted to the shallower marshland edge. Deep water is a deterrent to such predators as raccoons and skunks, while colony life is a defence against marauding hawks and crows. Any harrier that approaches a colony to closely must soon contend with an angry black and yellow crowd of birds. It is a wise hawk that retreats before it is put to rout.
Cornell Lab: Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Reader's Digest: Birds of North America
Thursday, 9 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Marbled Godwit
Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)
To photograph birds is to sweat and swat flies, to stand for long hours waist-deep in swamp water, or to crouch even longer in freezing makeshift blinds. Allan Cruickshank knew these tortures. As one of America's leading bird photographers, Cruickshank expected the worst.
All that changed overnight, however. As soon as her eggs hatched the goodwill reacted hysterically to Cruickshank's presence, flying this way and that and berating him loudly before leading her young from the nest. Never again would the goodwill allow Cruickshank's approach. But the man had his pictures - and in contrast to most such projects, getting them had literally been a walk in the park.
Cornell Lab: Marbled Godwit
Reader's Digest: Birds of North America
Cornell Lab: Marbled Godwit
Reader's Digest: Birds of North America
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Mystery Bird!

I was 6-12 inches, appeared whitish to grey, flew like a ptarmigan or partridge and looked like an chunk of snow in a snowstorm. Keep in mind that I live in an area of open country with scattered brush.
Thanks, (J)
Weekly What Bird Wednesday
Thank you for once again joining me for W.W.B.W. Last week was a hard one and no one was right! The correct answer to last weeks was Lark Sparrow! Here is this week's clue:
It is a small song-bird with streaky brown feathers and a breast and throat that can range from red to yellow. Female is the same except without colourful breast.
Other W.W.B.W. posts:
Birds in Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
It is a small song-bird with streaky brown feathers and a breast and throat that can range from red to yellow. Female is the same except without colourful breast.
Other W.W.B.W. posts:
Birds in Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Yellow Rail
Yellow Rail (Caturnicops noveboracensis)

Agricultural expansion has claimed a large share of this rail's habitat in southern Canada, and concerns regarding how low overall numbers and continuing habitat loss throughout its breeding range has resulted in its recent designation as a species of special concern in Canada.
Cornell Lab: Yellow Rail
Lone Pine Publications: Birds of Canada
Cornell Lab: Yellow Rail
Lone Pine Publications: Birds of Canada
Monday, 6 April 2015
B.O.T.D. Black-Throated Gray Warbler
Black-Throated Gray Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens)

In keeping with such a somber suit is this bird's businesslike manner of feeding. Particularly in spring, when oak worms are abundant, it forages with well-ordered zeal, methodically checking ever leaf and twig for these ubiquitous green caterpillars.
Its nest, too, is carefully crafted and a masterpiece of camouflage. Typical of most warblers' nurseries, it is a neatly woven cup of dried grasses and weathered weed stalks, usually lined with moss and feathers, sometimes with horse or other animal hair, where available. The bird very cleverly conceals the nest in a small clump of leaves, large enough to disguise it but not so obvious that a predator would look for something hidden there. Ever the cautious conservative, the black-throated gray will take all sorts of evasive action to avoid leading you to its nest. But if you should manage to find it, in a flash, the bird becomes a master of the theatrical arts, feigning fits or injury so convincingly, it deserves a standing ovation.
Cornell Lab: Black-Throated Gray Warbler Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Successful Saturday
Joel and I got the chance of getting together on Saturday April 4th which turned out to be a great experience for both of us. It included seeing a Great-Horned Owl, Sparrow's, Nuthatches, Crows, Sparrows, Meadowlarks, Blackbirds, and Woodpeckers. We were able to add 4 bird's to my 2015 list and one to his.
And we definitely won't forget how many Canada Geese we saw which was a grand total of 752 in less than hour! We almost had no time left to reach our goal of 750 so in a last ditch effort we want in back field and counted 4 more to complete out goal.
To see was birds we saw go to the Bird Log; Apr 4th.
And we definitely won't forget how many Canada Geese we saw which was a grand total of 752 in less than hour! We almost had no time left to reach our goal of 750 so in a last ditch effort we want in back field and counted 4 more to complete out goal.
To see was birds we saw go to the Bird Log; Apr 4th.
Friday, 3 April 2015
First Nesting Birds!
Today we spotted some Juncos flying to and from under our deck. We have been watching them for a while... now here are some pictures.
... and the crows
B.O.T.D. Bobolink
Bobolink (Dolichonyx orysivorus)

They travel differently, too, forming mammoth flocks that feed on harvested grain fields and fallow land. For decades they swooped upon South Carolina rice plantations and grew as fat as little butterballs. And every fall they were killed by the tens of thousands to be sold and eaten as butter birds. So many were slaughtered that they have never recovered their vast numbers. But most of the rice fields are gone now, the birds are protected by laws, and most people know the autumn bitter birds are the springtime bobolinks that fill the air with their tinkling music.
Cornell Lab: Bobolink Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Fort Whyte Alive
On Wednesday, April 1 I was able to go to Fort Whyte Centre where 162 bird species had been spotted. It was a very eventful afternoon and I wasn't dissapointed! I was able to add three species to my life list. An American Coot, a Ring-Necked Duck and a Burrowing Owl. Also that morning I saw a Clay-Colored Sparrow which made a total of four life list birds in one day! At the Center I was also able to see (not to my surprise) a ton of Canada Goose. I also spotted Mallards, Chickadees, Cackling Geese, Red-Tailed Hawks and much more. I got some pretty good shots of the Burrowing Owl which was probably my favorite bird of them all.
(Pictures Coming Soon)
(Pictures Coming Soon)
B.O.T.D. Upland Sandpiper
Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda)
After the multitudes of North America's passenger pigeons had all been slaughtered for market, commercial hunters turned their guns on the innumerable upland sandpipers that flourished across our vast, rolling grasslands. By the early 1900s, with no restrictions on the carnage, scarcely an upland sandpiper could be found anywhere on the plains. The sweet-voiced birds - which, simply by feeding themselves, must have saved the country from many a scourge of grasshoppers, army worms, weevils, and cutworms - were almost annihilated.

Cornell Lab: Upland Sandpiper Reader's Digest: Book of North American Birds
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Weekly What Bird Wednesday
Thank you for joining me for W.W.B.W. once again! Last weeks bird was a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker as William, Josiah, and Matthew guessed. I was told that my clues were too easy, so I chose a hard one! You are lucky cause I almost chose a sandpiper, but here is the clue:
I am a small brownish bird with a chestnut crown and cheek, a black eyestripe, moustache and jaw line. I also have pinkish feet. Male and female are identical.
Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
*The posts may not be up yet as this post is set to post at 6:30 Central Time.
I am a small brownish bird with a chestnut crown and cheek, a black eyestripe, moustache and jaw line. I also have pinkish feet. Male and female are identical.
Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
*The posts may not be up yet as this post is set to post at 6:30 Central Time.
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