Friday, 30 October 2015


After my partner left JC Birds, it just wasn't JC Birds anymore. So just letting you know that I am now calling this blog JG Birds. You may also have noticed the slight changes in the logo. Again a reminder to check out C's blog here. (You will see on the far right of the tabs bar)

Thanks, Joel

Feathers on Friday (All of Sept and Oct)

Here is my massive FoF post... enjoy! We will start with the lunar eclipse!

It all started with a super Moon...

...and ended up as a Blood Moon
Of, course lots and lots of geese photos.

A neat shot of sunset through a wet window.

A small flock of Sandhill Cranes. Sometimes we saw as much as 70 at a time.

Lone Canada Goose.

Portion of flock in field.

Portion of flock in field with hundreds more coming in to land.

The sky peppered with geese.


Canada Grazing, notice the occidentals subspecies.

Fiery Sunset

Grasshopper Sparrow

Lone snow goose.

Flying snow goose flock

Add caption

The reason that the Snow Geese took off.

Other FoF posts:
4forfeathers (NEW!!!)
Birds in Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Breaking News!

It is will sadness and regret that I have to announce that my friend Colin (C) has lost interest in this blog. So if you want to see his new blog, here is the link.