Thursday, 20 August 2015

Weekly What Bird Thursday

Here is my W.W.B.W. post: Last week the correct answer was a female American Goldfinch after a late snow. Here is this week's picture and be sure to guess in the comments below!

Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds

*Posts may not be up yet.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Feathers on Friday

Here is my F.o.F. post: At this time of year we get the vast flocks of gulls that descend on the fields and yards around. It is still early in the season so they aren't quite at their full numbers. After a recent rain, though, they loved the water, and we had lots.

Other F.o.F. posts:
Birds in Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Weekly What Bird Wednesday

Here is my W.W.B.W. post. Last week we had two guesses. It was actually a Savannah Sparrow! Here is where it was:

Here is this week's:

Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds

*Posts may not be up yet.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Feathers On Friday

Here is my FoF post. I am still excited about the dove... please put up with just one more post. They have now decided to become feeder birds, not just sit there and preen. Before, if they came, they would stand by the feeder and not eat a seed, just preen. However today, they ate. I also discovered that these generally peaceful birds are bullies; scaring away the feeding birds.

I also had an interesting experience with doves yesterday. I observed one eating sunflower seeds whole. Intrigued, I kept watching and slowly but surely it's throat expanded as it held the seeds in there for the young doves.

Other F.o.F. posts:
Birds in Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds
Prairie Birder

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Weekly What Bird Wednesday

Here is my W.W.B.W. post. Last week we had one guess with the correct answer being Gray Catbird. Here is this week's post.

Other W.W.B.W. posts*:
Birds In Your Backyard
Bird Boy
The Cats and the Birds

*Posts may not be up yet.